And then...... it happened. I was given a free sample bottle of mascara for my birthday, courtesy of Sephora. You may already know what I'm talking about because I know many women who became addicted thanks to this free treat!
Benefit's They're Real

If you're a SoCal resident, it runs $23 at Sephora. Which, can be a hefty price tag at times. BUT you get your monies worth- I use it until the last drop and it lasts for months. This mascara is the best mascara in the world!!!!!!!!!

Now every good mascara, you need a good eyelash curler. If you're one of those girls who has perfect long and gorgeous lashes, you can skip this part. For those who are like me who have tiny lashes that hardly show at all, pay attention! It really doesn't matter how wonderful your mascara is if you do not have an eyelash curler. The eyelash curler pulls your lashes up, making them seem longer. The mascara glues them in place. With the right combo, you will have amazing, fake looking lashes! Now there is no cheaper alternative to this eyelash curler because this one is the ONLY good eyelash curler. So save up your money because this one costs $16.
Tarte: Picture Perfect Duo
Yep, this eyelash curler comes WITH mascara: Lights, Camera, Lashes! mascara. So cute, right? It's a lovely mascara and sometimes I put it on as like a base before I put on my Benefit mascara. Because it is a tiny tube of mascara, the wand is really great at feathering out your lashes. And because it's a tiny tube, it doesn't last as long as the life of your curler. This eyelash curler lasts me through two bottles of mascara. It comes with a replacement bumper silicone pad which I replace when I buy mascara bottle #2. When it's time to buy bottle #3, replace your curler as well. Again, if you're in SoCal Sephora sells this for $16. Try them out and if you don't like it, Sephora will refund or exchange your purchases!
Have fun batting those eyelashes at everyone =)
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