Friday, August 9, 2013

My Fake-Looking Real Eyelashes

Mascara oh mascara. I'm always on the hunt for the perfect mascara. Prior to finding my current bottle, I was searching for 4 months. I went through endless bottles of mascara- both expensive and cheap brands. I was getting so fed up, I was ready to just get the permanent fakes glued on.
And then...... it happened. I was given a free sample bottle of mascara for my birthday, courtesy of Sephora. You may already know what I'm talking about because I know many women who became addicted thanks to this free treat!
Benefit's They're Real
Seriously, I've heard makeup artists run in requesting the last bottle to be theirs. It is THAT good. It lengthens, it thickens. The wand is the perfect shape. The bottle isn't huge and bulky. The formula is good quality that lasts. This mascara is AMAZING. It doesn't flake off on my face or run under my eyes. It's not dry, it's very silky. It seems to be semi-water proof. I definitely have to use make up remover to get it off occasionally, not just soap and water. I just can't get enough of it. It is my most prized make-up possession right now!
If you're a SoCal resident, it runs $23 at Sephora. Which, can be a hefty price tag at times. BUT you get your monies worth- I use it until the last drop and it lasts for months. This mascara is the best mascara in the world!!!!!!!!!
If you're on a budget and $23 is just not going to cut it, here is your cheaper alternative. Keep in mind you will have to replace the bottle quite often because it doesn't last very long.... Cover Girl's Clump Crusher. In SoCal at Target, it runs about $8.49 and if you have a $1 off Cover Girl coupon, even better! The seller for me on this one is the wand. It's a great wand and definitely gets ALL those lashes covered. I had to buy a new bottle once a month though at least. You can tell when your lashes just aren't quite looking right and it's time for a new bottle. My favorite prior to this one was Maybeline's Falsies mascara. I would switch between Clump Crusher and Falsies every other month. It keeps it "fresh", like you just bought a new mascara you've never used before LOL!
Now every good mascara, you need a good eyelash curler. If you're one of those girls who has perfect long and gorgeous lashes, you can skip this part. For those who are like me who have tiny lashes that hardly show at all, pay attention! It really doesn't matter how wonderful your mascara is if you do not have an eyelash curler. The eyelash curler pulls your lashes up, making them seem longer. The mascara glues them in place. With the right combo, you will have amazing, fake looking lashes! Now there is no cheaper alternative to this eyelash curler because this one is the ONLY good eyelash curler. So save up your money because this one costs $16.
Tarte: Picture Perfect Duo

 Yep, this eyelash curler comes WITH mascara: Lights, Camera, Lashes! mascara. So cute, right? It's a lovely mascara and sometimes I put it on as like a base before I put on my Benefit mascara. Because it is a tiny tube of mascara, the wand is really great at feathering out your lashes. And because it's a tiny tube, it doesn't last as long as the life of your curler. This eyelash curler lasts me through two bottles of mascara. It comes with a replacement bumper silicone pad which I replace when I buy mascara bottle #2. When it's time to buy bottle #3, replace your curler as well. Again, if you're in SoCal Sephora sells this for $16.

Try them out and if you don't like it, Sephora will refund or exchange your purchases!

Have fun batting those eyelashes at everyone =)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Addicted to Lip Gloss

Have you ever heard the rumor that chapstick and lip balm makers would add ingredients to their product to make them addictive? While I'm sure this is not actually true, women who are faithful users of the stuff apply it more than twice a day. As a reader, you probably want to put some on RIGHT NOW simply because I am talking about it.
Excuse me for a moment as I apply my own..... Ahhh much better!
My addiction started when I was in Junior High. It was so cool to carry around a few flavors of Lip Smackers. After a year or so, chapstick just wasn't cutting it anymore. I turned to tins filled with flavored lip gloss. And now I have at least 20 different lip gloss tubes from Bath & Body, Victoria's Secret, Clinique, and Neutrogena. I keep one at my desk in the office. One is always near me on the couch at home. One is on my night stand for when I go to bed. And about 3 are in my purse at all times. I love it and I need it.
And now, drum roll please, here are my favorites!

For SPF:

Neutrogena MoistureShine Lip Soother SPF 20
I hate having to buy chapstick just so I can get some SPF. I love love love this lip gloss because it already has SPF! Yay! Although this brand has many shades, I tend to just get the closest to my natural lip color. Retail: $6-$7


Clinique Long Last Glosswear SPF 15
This one is a little sticky, but I love sticky. I feel like I don't have to apply it as often if it's sticky. My husband HATES sticky though and I'm sure most men would agree. So, if you're dating someone new, I wouldn't suggest wearing this one on your first date. It's supposed to be 8 hour lip gloss, which is probably true for some girls out there- not the ones like me who re-apply every few hours LOL! I also love this lip gloss because it has SPF in it! Non-drying SPF. It's amazing. It is probably my most favorite lip gloss on the market right now. Retail: $15

Around the House:

C.O. Bigelow Vanillamint Supreme from Bath and Body Works
I wear this one when I'm at home, especially before I go to bed. It has mentha which gives a nice cooling feeling. I feel like after a day of wearing glosses with color, glitter, and SPF, this is a nice healing and recovering lip gloss. This would be a great "first date" lip gloss since it claims to be a breath freshener as well LOL! Retail: $8


Liplicious Plump Glass from Bath and Body Works
I'm not really into the plumping lipsticks and glosses, but I found this one at Bath and Body Works and it's not too harsh. I wouldn't suggest using it a lot because it tends to make my lips feel dryer later, if that even makes sense. But it has a nice subtle tingle that's pretty cool! Do I think my lips feel bigger after wearing it? Definitely not. It's just fun =)

Everything in between:

Pretty much any tubed gloss from Victoria's Secret or Bath and Body Works will do the trick. Get the glitter filled kind, or choose one based on color. They are all amazing!

There are only a handful of times I walked out of the house without lip gloss. Those were horrible days. Yes, I would buy lip gloss on the spot if I realized I didn't have any! Going a whole day without lip gloss would be the worst punishment in the world. I am already reaching for lip gloss right now just thinking about it.

Tell my YOUR favorite lip gloss, I'd love to try it!
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